Sunday, September 15, 2013

Education and Class

Education and Class

 Question 1 

 Did you have had or your family members have had?

 How were you treated? 

  I worked at coffee shop as a cashier and barista, make coffee and beverages.

 So I did not have many experiences contacting with customer as  much like restaurant 


     Also in my country South Korea, we do not have to pay tips.

 The price of food and all products already include their tax and tips. 

 So, workers do not have to pay attention not that much like American worker who could

 receive tips in their place.

   In the book , they say i say, author says that restaurant workers could study human behavior. 

Because customers visit to get their different purpose, and if worker make customers 

satisfied, they can get more tips! At this reasons, the hard work place need both body

and brain.


 Question 2 

Did your education level matter?

Until now, I am student. So It is not serious matter to me not yet.

I want to say "NOT YET" However, when it comes to graduate from university,

It should be problem to me and my friends.

Every society want to get a smart and superior person.

If two  person who high school graduated and university graduated  apply at the same

to the same company, the company would want to get university graduates person.

The reason why company want to get a high educated person,

 even though they work  ineffective  than low educated people.

Many company think that the education level is important factor to choose employee.

 One day, I should face this platitude stereotype and prejudice.  

 Question 3 

 Do you think that the level of education a worker has should

 determine the respect and pay that worker receives?

  I think that, it is less likely to pay more money to low educated person.

  It is paradox, actually In my opinion, I do not want the gap of education level badly.

  BUT, people who studied more, they put their effort on study for their good jobs.

  Candidates who graduated university and college spend more time and money

 for getting their degree. And society are responsible to reward them as a high salary

but not hard work. Because they want to get nice job not hard work.